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Artists in Quarantine: The Third Week

Collected Stories of Creativity in Isolation

  • Apr 03 2020
  • Artists in Quarantine
    An ongoing collection of work and thoughts from artists around the world during the time of COVID-19. Edited by Hallie Frost


The first selection of Artists in Quarantine came from a Facebook group on my feed, facilitated by Jakob Lohmann. The posts from international artists who found themselves under lock-down were harried and sometimes timid as they reached out through their screens to share delicate creations made in the first few weeks of this new age of anxiety. This second installment of the series was compiled as our shared days in captivity lengthened, as the weeks added up. The thoughts and creations shared by the artists below have elongated as we collectively have found our bearings, and taken inventory of what we have at our disposal with which to live, and to work. The thoughts of the artists below have been minimally edited to support their clarity but preserve their use of english, when applicable. Also note that while this was the third week of "quarantine" in Germany, comrades in China are coming to the end of their time in lock-down which lasted over 8 weeks.- HF 

Moshtari Hilal, Berlin

Moshtari Hilal, 2020

Ich bin genau zu Beginn in meine neue Wohnung gezogen. Meine Wohnung, dieser Raum, indem mein Schreibtisch steht, mein Bett und fast alles was ich besitze, ist damit untrennbar von der häuslichen Quarantäne. Genauer gesagt zog ich mit weitaus weniger ein und nur nach und nach wurden mir meine Möbel zugeliefert. Jedes Mal klingelte es an der Tür und ein Mann, manchmal derselbe Mann an aufeinander folgenden Tagen, brachte mir ein Pappkartonbraunes Paket nach dem anderen, so groß wie ein Stuhl, so groß wie ein Tisch, so groß wie ein Bett.

Mit 15 Jahren war Pappkartonbraun meine Lieblingsfarbe. Ich hatte sie ausgewählt, weil sie mir erwachsen und nüchtern, zeitlos und bodenständig erschien. Ich erinnere mich wie ich an einem Abend mein kleines Zimmer, damals noch bei meinen Eltern, Pappkartonbraun strich.

Zuerst wurde ich ausgelacht für diese Wahl, für diese trübe, langweilige Farbe. Dann an den Wänden wirkte sie warm und ehrlich. Wenn man nachsichtig ist, dann kann Pappkarton die Wärme von behandeltem Holz vortäuschen. Dabei ist Holz ernsthafter und Pappe leichtsinniger, Holz lebt in gewisser Weise weiter, Pappe ist tot und komprimiert. Gestern und heute wurde mir das tote, komprimierte Pappkartonbraun zugeliefert, wie ein Lebenszeichen von Draußen. Zu Beginn unterschrieb ich bei Empfang, später wurden mir die Pakete ernst zugeschoben. Jede Zustellung riss mich mit einem grellen Klingeln aus der Trance meines einsamen Tages.

Moshtari Hilal, 2020

Ich hatte es kaum geschafft das Nötigste zu besorgen, als die ersten Läden bis auf weiteres ihren Betrieb einstellen mussten. Bei all der Unsicherheit um Grundlegendes, um Brot, Salz, Essigreiniger und Seife, vergaß ich wer ich bin. Ich hatte vergessen mir Zeichenpapier zu kaufen, dabei zeichnete ich, das war was ich tat, wenn ich mir nicht die Hände wusch oder aß. Beschämt über meine Selbstvergessenheit, über meinen hysterischen Einkauf von Zitronen, lies ich mich auf meinen Miet-Fußboden fallen, da klingelte es und das Pappkartonbraun stand an der Tür. Verständnisvoll und unaufgeregt arbeitete es weiter, pflichtbewusst stand es da.

 Ich zeichnete auf dem warmen Braun der Pappe.

Zheng Mengyuan, Xinyang City

Zheng Mengyuan, 2020





On March 16, the epidemic prevention stations in Xinyang city began to evacuate one after another, and the five-day travel pass was finally no longer used. Although it's the long-awaited news, there's no excitement in my imagination. Life must gradually restore order, and people in the epidemic area do not know how long they need to keep on.

A distance of 156 kilometers, two hours' drive, the familiar T181 train from Harbin to Hankou, has not yet run since it was closed on January 23rd. Last year, when I went home from school, I never thought it would take so long to get together with my classmates again.

I have a roommate in Wuhan. We exchange our recent situation in a webchat group. Listen to her talk about her fear at the beginning of the epidemic, the anxiety of six people who have been staying at home. Later, she began to slowly find fun in life and share some interesting stories with us. I think what she reflects is also the quality of most people in Wuhan. She said that although she can't do anything for the city, there are so many people who are concerned about Wuhan, she should also try her best to keep the most optimistic attitude and face the epidemic actively.

It rained heavily all day on March 26. The depression of staying at home for a long time did not disappear with the release of the hometown, or the anxiety would often feel inexplicably like crying. Wuhan is a city with too many feelings. Here is the starting point of my dream. There are my beloved teachers and classmates, too many warm and sweet memories. Come on, my Wuhan, we must get better slowly!



大爱无疆,在这场全球性的战役中各国的医护人员都义不容辞的冲到了抗战一线。国有84岁的终南山院士,73岁李兰娟院士和千千万万个主动请缨的医护人员。同样身处疫情重灾区的意大利,85岁的退休名医Giampiero Giro也再次挂帅上阵,他说:当你决定这一生要做一名一生的时候,就必须义无反顾。世界各处都有这样逆行的英雄,用他们的大爱,一点点融化人们心中的恐惧。



It's up to everyone not to die. As a country with a population of 1.4 billion, the outbreak during the Spring Festival is beyond everyone's control. In front of the epidemic, everyone has shouldered their own responsibilities. This Spring Festival has no firecrackers to welcome the new year, no street visits, no hot and noisy family gatherings. A spring festival gala combines the hearts of every Chinese and the love of 1.4 billion Chinese people. We devote a little weak power to our motherland in the way we can.

The long period of closure did not knock down the people of Wuhan in the worst-hit areas, nor will it knock down the people of the world. Love and abundance will defeat the darkness, the dawn is just around the corner.

Translation by Zheng Mengyuan


Marius Bergmann, Undisclosed Location 

I am based in Berlin and left for Barcelona in early February to be alone, meet strangers and paint or get inspired. I also wanted to process a lot of unsolved things within me that needed a special kind of attention. The first two weeks Barcelona went well. I connected with incredibly inspiring and friendly people and creatives and I even collaborated on some minor projects. 

Then Corona hit and I remember everything changed within a few days. It was quite interesting to see how your topics, your life and your fears are put into perspective. I remember my sketchbook went from intimate encounters, painful break ups and an uncertain future to this new huge uncertainty and fear. It was incredible and still is. There was a lockdown in Barcelona announced on March 13th, that was also my Birthday and I remember looking at the restaurant staffs’ faces. We went home and I booked a flight back right away. I arrived back in Berlin a few days later but went straight to quarantine out in the country. I feel very blessed to be out in nature right now.

Selections from Unbennant

Marius Bergmann, 2020

It is very strange to be within a very intense and new environment and then something else, something that is so much bigger comes in and just covers everything up. It is like a tape that just goes over everything else. Or you just close your eyes and stop sensing. At the same time all these situations, encounters and feelings are still underneath and they come out at night or in the middle of the day when you drink a coffee and they pull you back into what was before. Where do you distinguish? Which anxiety goes where and what do you prioritize? So my natural reaction is fear and panic mostly. But again I am very blessed to be safe and know that my family is safe.

I don’t usually work when it is stormy like that but in between these strong emotions I feel a lot of need to express what is around. It is almost like a responsibility to share what we (I) have. I started sharing things on social media a lot more. A lot of things I was afraid of before are also diminishing these days. I think that is quite a beautiful thing. It comes down to the core. Everything else feels not very important to me anymore. I also feel this very strong bond between all of us because, well it affects us all. And I think that is very beautiful too.

Sketchbook, Marius Bergmann

On the technical side my work now is fast & small and simple. I don’t have many materials so I paint and write mostly in my sketchbook. I found an old flag the other day and I painted on it so I use what I find. There is also no time and need for deeper concepts or complexity anymore I feel like we need simplicity now more than anything. I care a lot about health so a lot of my work now finds inspiration in mindfulness & self healing. To me sharing a guided meditation on Instagram has the same impact as hiding a Rūmī poem in my artwork. I think it is quite a chance to ground yourself (if you can) in these powerful times and I am trying to spread that word.


Xinbei Li, Wuhan 

人为生而食, 2020








It started when I woke up on the morning of January 21, Mobile phone have a fever of 291 cases. Novel coronavirus infection is diagnosed in the other 2 cases, new death cases in Wuhan, and no fever in Wuhan…… I'm a bit confused. Since then, the number of infected people has increased in a straight line, covering the whole country Every time I see the full screen push news on my mobile phone, the title is short and the content is worrying.

On January 23, Wuhan was closed. So far I see these words, or red eyes. Microblog hot search is covered by the epidemic. Every day when I watch microblog, I will cry. I begin to feel anxious and depressed.

On February 3, I remember a very deep day. On that day, I saw a mixed clip of some impressive videos about the epidemic. I couldn't cry myself in the middle of the night. I was very sad to say to my friends: "the 2020 that I am looking forward to is full of tears. I look at the people struggling for help on the Internet, and I feel powerless and hopeless. I look at the medical staff who are fearless of life and death and rush to the front line. I also feel that the sense of professional mission is really too great. I can really sacrifice the ego and complete everyone. " Later, I forced myself not to pay more attention to the news and put too much pressure on myself. I used reading and sports to divert my attention. The comments written in the reading software were praised by many people, which made me feel that I really didn't need to worry. Everyone was working hard, and the whole China was working hard for the same thing. I've focused on more positive energy. In this epidemic situation, I see every Chinese people who do not give up. There are ordinary couples who voluntarily drive thousands of kilometers to deliver relief materials to Wuhan, ordinary workers who volunteer to build hospitals without pay, take out boys who still run for the city, and everyone who is still in the conscious isolation at home…… In a great difficulty, we can see the darkness and the most simple light of human nature.

Then, after the anxiety in the early stage of home isolation, I adapted to the life of not going out. At home, I began to "work hard and have fun". The whole family played games, and friends had video meals together. At the construction site of "cloud overseer" Leishen mountain fire Shenshan hospital, I recently watched the cherry blossom blooming in spring in Wuhan through the network live broadcast…… Now that winter is over and spring is in full bloom, medical teams from all provinces and cities have returned home in batches. More and more cities have gradually restored normal order. Wuhan is also slowly starting after pressing the pause button……

This time of being bored at home all day long but so extraordinary will eventually pass, blooming in suffering and showing true love in adversity. Is this the "best time"? I don't know, but I know that in every period of time, the "reverse Walker" faces difficulties and goes up, alone in the reverse light.

I, thank you very much, thank you very much.

Translation by Xinbei Li

生生, 2020


Artists in Quarantine is an installment from AWC online, compiled by Hallie Frost

    Zheng Mengyuan



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