What is Jouissance?
Jouissance is a special word used by the psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan. It has something to do with the French term "jouir". In English, this means "to enjoy", but also "to have an orgasm". Jouissance is the feeling when the pleasure actually stops, but you carry on anyway. For example: When you can't stop playing a game on your cell phone. You play and play, even though you're already tired or hungry. Should we as a society actually stop playing against each other? The AWC editorial team is asking itself this question. After all, we have long since reached the limits of fun and are now only suffering. That's why we say on the cover: There is a limit to our Jouissance.
Founders / Publishers / Directors
Verantwortlicher i.S.d . 18 Abs. 2 MStV
María Inés Plaza Lazo, Pauł Sochacki
Managing / Artistic Director
Amelie Jakubek
Editor in Chief
Dalia Maini
Editorial Assistance
Noa Jaari
Artistic Project Development & Distribution
Theresa Zwerschke
Administrative Assistance
Selma Louise Christoph
William Kherbek, Anne Waak
Graphic Design
Paul Sochacki / Manuel Bürger
Online Design
Giorgia Belotti
Voluntary support:
Mia Ribeiro Alonso, Annalisa Giacinti, Line Lange, Hassoumi Moctar Agali, Amina Zerourou, Ruslana Shabelnyk, Nina Abba, Hannah Lu Verse, anna zrenner, Sophie Franziska Schultz, Nadine Bajek, Cora Pagano, Yasemin Şenkal, Lukas Grube, Duarte Eduardo, Felix Dengg, James Rhys Edwards, Louisa Maria Stank, Sophie Hartleib, Teresa Mayr, Leo Baumgärtner, Katharina Thurow
A.Beig Druckerei und Verlag
GmbH & Co. KG
Damm 9-19
25421 Pinneberg
Alle Vertriebs- und Kund*innenanfragen an die Verlagsadresse
Reflektor Monde gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Lynarstrasse 38, 13353 Berlin
Arts of the Working Class can now be read digitally, too. Please find our vendors who carry a STREAD badge and you will be able to scan a code to digitally buy a copy and additionally the STREAD issue of each month.
Reflektor Monde gUG
IBAN: DE64 1001 0010 0931 5031 07
paypal: p@artsoftheworkingclass.org
Supported by: Vrienden Loterij Fonds